Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lourdes, France in 2009

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes


  1. Nice colours in this one, and is that snow coming down?

  2. thank you! it's actually rain but i liked this picture a lot because it looks like snow =)

  3. HI, Maya:

    How are you? Are you still in Champaign?

    Thanks a lot for starting a photoblog. Looking forward to seeing more MD Photos and other entries.

    I was in Lourdes last September. Your Lourdes picture has reminded me of the sacred place and the thousands of pilgrims who go there to be closer to the Lord through our Mother Mary and to bring their needs and petitions.

    Yes, with God, all things are possible.

    God bless always.

    fr. robert

  4. Thanks Father Robert! I appreciate your support :) I am back home now working with my dad. Things are going well! How are you? Do you plan on visiting Champaign anytime soon? Hope all is well!
